3750 NW Cary Pkwy, Suite 105
Cary NC, 27513
Can Spinal Decompression really decrease a disc herniation or cause an Increase In Disc Height?
Do you have neck, shoulder or arm pain that is not improving, despite your trip to your family Dr?
Does Spinal Decompression cause a decrease in a disc herniation and/or improvement in disc height?
Back pain accounts for more than 264 million lost work days in one year
Avoid the Complications of Spine Surgery!
A herniated cervical disk is one of the most common causes of neck pain
More men are having spinal fusion surgery, but make sure this is your best option.
Spinal Decompression is the State of the Art treatment for herniated, bulging & slipped discs
What may I expect with Spinal Decompression?
Most commonly prescribed drugs treat only symptoms, not the underlying causes of a patient’s disease
Management of acute low back pain ranges from conservative to intensive.
Is Spinal Decompression painful?
Why Would Spinal Decompression Work When the Orthopedic Surgeon says I need to have an operation?
We offer this revolutionary treatment for herniated, slipped or bulging discs!
Most research has shown spinal decompression to be successful in 71%-89% of patients.
How Long Will It Take to Recover from back surgery?
What is a herniated disc (slipped disc)?
People are surprised that cervical spine surgery is often performed through the front of the neck.
At Triangle Spinal Decompression we help patients avoid back surgery!